Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
You know what respect I have for Martin Armstrong as a broad market trend timer.
He is simply the best in modern times. Yes, he is a tad self-destructive but that does not detract from his genius. I have known MartinArmstrong since the late 60s and have yet to see him seriously wrong.
In Martin Armstrong’s last writing he said the following about gold. His history of accuracy demands that we all listen carefully to him, myself included.
“I have given a number for gold $5,000 that is very conservative. If we take U.S. gold reserves at 252 million ounces and we divide that amount into the national debt of 14 trillion that yields a staggering amount of $53,639 per ounce. Even taking the world official gold reserves divided into the US debt of 14 trillion we still get $15,873 per ounce.”
This makes my eight year price objective of $1,650 in January of 2011 look pitifully on the low side. Assuming Armstrong is right (as he has been for 40 years), the shorts of gold and gold shares are going to be destroyed.