Peter Schiff had it right before and has it right now. However, one does not need a crystal ball, or need to be clairvoyant to see inflation and hyperinflation approaching.
Despite claims of deflation, there is now year-to-year inflation of at least 3.85% and year-to-year inflation has been rising since 2002 ((2002=1.59%, 2003=2.27%, 2004=2.68%, 2005=3.39%, 2006=3.24%, 2007=2.85%, 2008=3.85%, 2009=??.??)).
The U.S. Dollar isn't as strong as some say:
Despite the problem being called a credit crisis, the real problem is a debt crisis.
(01) an economic crisis caused by a massive debt bubble of federal and non-federal debt (much of it, toxic debt);
(02) $15.8 Trillion of Total Domestic Financial Sector Debt;
(03) $13.9 Trillion of Total Household Debt;
(04) $10.2 Trillion of Total Business Debt;
(05) $1.8 Trillion of Other Private Sector Foreign Debt;
(06) $2.2 Trillion of Total State and Local Government Debt;
(07) $11 Trillion Federal National Debt;
(08) $12.8 Trillion borrowed from Social Security, leaving it pay-as-you-go, with a 78 Million baby-boomer bubble approaching;
(09) $67 Trillion of Total Nation-Wide Debt;
(10) $62 Trillion Credit Default Swap/Derivatives bubble that could unravel global financial systems;
(11) $60+ Trillion of future debt (unfunded liabilities) for Social Security and Medicare;
Here are a few questions for those who think it's not a debt-problem:
If the debt is tenable, why do we have 9,000-to-10,000 foreclosures per day?
If the debt is tenable, why is unemployment at a 25 year high (8.1%; 12-to-28 Million unemployed)?
If the debt is tenable, why are there record bankruptcies?
If the debt is tenable, why are the banks scared $#!+l@ss about the $62 Trillion Credit Default Swap/Derivatives bubble?
If the debt is tenable, why has the federal government been deficit spending for 52 consecutive years?
If the debt is tenable, why has the federal government borrowed and spent $12.8 Trillion from Social Security, leaving it pay-as-you-go, with a 78 Million baby-boomer bubble approaching?
If the debt is tenable, why is the U.S. swimming in $67 Trillion ($220,000 per0-capita) of nation-wide debt?
If the debt is tenable, why is the U.S. dollar much lower today against most major currencies than it was 7 years ago (source:
If the debt is tenable, why does 90%-to-95% of all U.S. dollars in existence in the U.S. exist as debt?
If the debt is tenable, why is inflation a concern?
If the debt is tenable, why is year-to-year inflation still rising (2002=1.59%, 2003=2.27%, 2004=2.68%, 2005=3.39%, 2006=3.24%, 2007=2.85%, 2008=3.85%, 2009=??.??)?
If the debt is tenable, why is the $60 Trillion of unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare a concern?
If the debt is tenable, why have we had 52 consecutive years of incessant inflaton?
If the debt is tenable, why is a 1950 Dollar now worth only 10 cents ?
If the debt is tenable, why aren't people spending? Maybe it's largely because they are tapped out and already deep into debt, eh?
If the debt is tenable, why is the current $11 Trillion National Debt the largest National Debt ever in size, and per-capita?
If the debt is tenable, where will the money come from to merely pay the interest ($2.7 Trillion per year at only 4.0% on $67 Trillion) on so much debt, when that money does not exist?
If the debt is tenable, and inflation is not a concern, why not create more money out of thin air?
If the debt is tenable, why can't anyone provide a explanation for excerpt from some economic model that justifies trying to solve massive debt with more debt, money-printing, and spending?
If the debt is tenable, why are 10 more years of deficit spending being predicted?
If the debt is tenable, why did the Federal Reserve have to pump $3.2-to-$8.5 Trillon into the banks and corporations?
If the debt is tenable, why was it necessary to save GM, Ford, and Chysler?
If the debt is tenable, why was it necessary to save AIG over and over ?
If the debt is tenable, why did Ben Bennake and Henry Paulson appear before Congress to beg for emergency funds?
If the debt is tenable, why was a $750 Billion Rescue BILL necessary in late 2008?
If the debt is tenable, why was a $787 Billion Stimulus Bill necessary in Feb-2009?
If the debt is tenable, why are Americans liquidating, evidenced by foreign-owned assets which have almost quadrupled from $6 Trillion in year 1997 to $22 Trillion in year 2007?
If the debt is tenable, how do you explain all of the above?
The federal government is now going to try to solve a massive debt problem with more debt, borrowing, money-printing, and rampant pork-barrel spending? Not likely.
More info about debt, inflation, abuses, and deteriorating economic conditions:
Perhaps enough voters will wake up, and be less apathetic, complacent, blindly partisan, delusional, and lazy when enough voters are bankrupt, jobless, homeless, and hungry.
At any rate, the voters have the government that the voters elect (and re-elect, and re-elect, and re-elect , . . . , at least until that finally becomes too painful).